Argument #2: Are you telling me that in order to have God’s perfect word, you must know English?Once again, this is an argument that has not been thought through. Choosing English to perfect (complete) His word, God did not exclude…but included. When you say that God’s word is preserved perfectly in English, the common response is something to the nature of: “What about people living in China? Are you telling me that unless they learn English, they do not have God’s perfect word?” The natural assumption when presented with this idea that God preserved His word in English is that it is too exclusive for God. But you would be looking at it wrong.
First, God is an exclusive God. You cannot argue that. Those who argue this point are ecumenists. There is one God. His name is Jesus Christ. There is none other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
(Acts 4:12) There is one way to salvation: believing on Jesus Christ. Exclusive? Yes, of course. However, God is not exclusive when choosing English to perfect His word.
Rather, God is doing just the opposite. When you even briefly consider the English language and how it spread throughout the world, if you’re an honest person, you either have to believe it to be an unexplained miracle, or you have to give credit to God. When God chose English, it was because He knew it was going to be the world’s language. Yes, there are people who do not read English. Does this mean that the gospel is cut off from them? No. The gospel is found in God’s message. Sanctification is found in God’s word. Anyone can be saved by hearing the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. By faith they receive that which God so freely gives…so they are not refused the gospel.
Most of the world knows English as its primary or secondary language. When they are taught English in Europe and Asia, it is the King’s English – Probably just coincidence. It is not the Text Messaging English we have now in the States. Besides that, much of the English of the King James Bible has roots from other languages, which helps the foreigner pick up on the language that much easier. Even English spelling in other parts of the world lines up with the King’s English rather than modern English. For example, “Music” (modern) is spelled “Musick” in the KJB and is spelled that way everywhere else save America.
So why English? Let me turn that around. Why Hebrew? Why Greek? Can you give an honest answer as to why God chose Koine Greek? It is an insignificant language, no longer in use, of which NO ONE has a complete N.T. manuscript. When you talk about the originals…please understand that they do not exist. So to say that I believe in the Inspiration of the word of God as found in the originals, you are thus saying that you do not believe that God’s inspired word is attainable by any of us. However, if God’s “originals” are inspired…and have been preserved for us today…then you can be sure that you have an INSPIRED King James Bible.
Why did God choose Hebrew? Let’s be honest…it was not the world’s language. If you wanted to become a Jew, you had to enter their country, learn their customs, and learn their language. Was God inclusive or exclusive here? The role of the Jew was to share what he had with the rest of the world. I’m pretty sure that those that argue against the inspiration of the King James Bible would have no problem with the concept that you
HAD to learn Hebrew in order to be a practicing Jew. Isn’t that the same thing?
Why did God choose Koine Greek? Let’s be honest again…it is a dead language. However, at the time, it was the world’s language. The gospel was spread to the Greek speaking world of the time through the Greek language.
Why did God choose English? Let’s be honest one more time…IT IS THE WORLD’S LANGUAGE. God saw fit to perfect His word in English so that the entire world might have His perfectly inspired and preserved word today. It is available to you today! Glory to God! Do you believe that Christian? It is not the “best”, it is perfect. To say that God has given us His best, but it is not perfect…well that just doesn’t make sense concerning the character of the Almighty God that I know and serve.
The biggest supporters of the Greek and Hebrew languages seem to be those of a “Reformed” background. Funny thing, really. Aren’t reformers so hung up on the “Sovereignty of God” that they dismiss the free will of man? Well, if their God is so sovereign, how is He not able to preserve His word PERFECTLY for us today?
I do not dismiss the Textus Receptus. It was inspired. Many Greek advocates I know have no problem with that. But, hey…it is not the original! So here’s my take: The OT Masoretic Text was translated from heaven to earth…perfectly inspired and preserved. The NT Koine Greek was translated from heaven to earth…perfectly inspired and preserved. The King James Bible (Old & New Testament completed together) was translated from heaven to earth…perfectly inspired and preserved. God does things in threes and there you have it. I know – I know…this does not sit well with the “Bible Believing” Christians in the mainline Baptist Community. I couldn’t care less. You’ll just have to forgive me for believing God is able to perfect His book in the language of the people just before the return of His Son.
Why English? Why not?
Grace & Peace be unto you all